News and insights • Posted on 06 October 2015

5 free ways to increase sales & conversions

We’re asked all the time ‘how can we get more traffic!’

Getting more traffic usually results in more sales, subscribers, enquiries etc. That’s great but, driving more traffic either takes time (SEO) or money (Adwords), things none of us like to spend unless we have to…

Here are 5 ways to get more conversions from your existing traffic.

1) Website speed – We’re all busy people and no one likes waiting around. The slower your site the more chance of people getting frustrated and going elsewhere, probably to your competition, which probably isn’t great for your conversion rate. Watch out for oversized images and poorly written code!

‘Amazon found that for every 1 second they reduced their page speed by, resulted in a 1% increase in conversions, or in other words an extra $1.6 billion a year’ – Read

2) Easy navigation – Keep it simple. Being creative and having an unusual website design is great way to stand out. Just keep in mind, people are used to certain pages being in a specific place, make sure your important pages are easy to find. There’s nothing worse than digging around a website looking for a phone number or contact form.

3) Good copy – Every page, paragraph and image on your website should have a purpose and contribute in some way. Make sure your content leads somewhere, whether it’s a product page or contact form. We’ve all heard the cliché ‘less is more’; the same applies to your content. Overwritten content is boring and makes it difficult for users to find the info they’re looking for.

4) Obvious call to actions – If your copy’s done the trick, a good percentage of visitors will want to get in touch or buy your product – make it as easy as possible for them to do just that. Include call to actions in your content and at the end of each page. Also, make sure to keep the number of steps they have to complete to a minimum – no one enjoys filling out never ending contact forms.

5) Email marketing – Building an email list is one of the best ways to drive more conversions from your existing visitors; email subscribers are more engaged because they chose to opt in. There’s also greater potential for repeat conversions and a higher lifetime value because you can promote to them repeatedly as long as they’re on the list.

Having a well optimised website can only benefit your business. If you want to get more sales, leads or email subscribers – Contact us for a chat!

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Written by Ewan Burkinshaw

Digital marketing manager Ewan is behind all SEO strategy and works tirelessly to help clients achieve significant organic growth.

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