News and insights • Posted on 13 August 2018

Meet Eve, our work experience helper

We’ve just waved off temporary crew member Eve Molloy, who joined us on deck for a work experience placement. Eve’s been learning the ropes of digital marketing and here, she discusses her time at The Bigger Boat, the tasks she’s been helping out on and what the future might hold for her.

Altogether I’ve completed three weeks’ work experience at The Bigger Boat, so I’ve gained a clear understanding of the overall business. I’ve learned and improved on skills that will help me both currently in school and in the future. These skills vary from design on Illustrator and Photoshop to writing blog posts for companies.

On my first day I was nervous as I didn’t know what to expect. I was entering an environment I wasn’t comfortable in and working with people I had never met before. I soon became accustomed, as the environment was very relaxed and everyone was welcoming.

The workplace was open and bright with various fun design features – including the hidden doorway, which confused me at first. Everyone was friendly, helpful and enthusiastic, which made my experience very pleasant. The office has a table tennis table and dartboard for people to use during breaks. There was always music playing in the office with the odd person singing, humming or tapping along. Most days I worked from nine until five and I travelled to work either by getting a lift or by train. I didn’t mind working these hours as I like to keep busy, but when I got home on an evening I was always shattered.

I haven’t got a definite career path I want to pursue or a plan for the future, but I do have several ideas. For instance I’ve always liked the idea of being a teacher. Also I’m passionate in English and business studies, so I’m interested in carrying them on through college and possibly university.

My favourite part of the whole experience would be the design element. I liked planning design ideas, then creating them on Illustrator and editing images on Photoshop, which was methodical and very satisfying.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience at TBB and I am now more confident and excited about working in the, hopefully, near future.

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Written by Andy McCaul

Co-founder and digital marketing guru Andy ensures all projects are shipshape, and that we generate the best return on investment for clients.

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The Bigger Boat
Suite 7, The Watermill
Wheatley Park
Mirfield, West Yorkshire
WF14 8HE

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