News and insights • Posted on 08 June 2018

Shipmate Spotlight: Kara Clifford

What quote do you live your life by?

“Love what you do;

Do what you love.” – Wayne W Dyer

Ten years ago, what did you think you’d be doing now?

Ten years ago I was 14 – just a little un’ in high school. My Art teacher actually pulled me to one side and said ‘If I could pick one student to go to art college, it would be you’ – and I did just that!

What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without?

To steer me away from being soppy and saying family, I’ll say cheesy chips.

What are you listening to/ reading/ watching at the moment?

I’m currently re-reading all the Harry Potter books. I read them when I was little and I thought it was about time to read them again. I heard some girl on the train having a rant about how she hates it when people call themselves Harry Potter fans but only like the films, so I thought I’d better read them before I get some angry HP fans after me.

As my commute is such a long one (an hour and a half each way) I pass the time by watching Netflix. So, I get through programmes pretty quickly. I’ve just finished four seasons of Jane the Virgin, which is so painfully bad, it’s good.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I try and design in my spare time to keep the passion there! I recently got conned into buying a monthly cinema pass for a year, so I’m going there quite a lot with a few friends. Oh and I also get through my fair share of gin.

What’s your favourite thing about agency life?

Referring back to the quote, my favourite thing is being able to do what I love. I also love the atmosphere and the crew!

What’s your previous working experience?

After school I did an Extended Diploma in Art & Design at Leeds College of Art. I then went onto do a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design at the University of Huddersfield. I then stayed on to get my Masters degree in Graphic Design so I was a late bloomer in the job department. Before working here, I started as an unpaid intern at a small agency in Huddersfield whilst I was at uni. I was then promoted to Graphic Designer and finally to Design Manager, but I wanted to work in a bigger agency so I jumped ship!

What are you working on at the minute that we should know about?

I am working on quite a lot at the minute. We have just finished the new Little Tikes website, which was a really fun project to work on! We’re just about to launch our own website too. I am also trying to get more into moving image!

What are you excited about during the next year at TBB?

There’s never a quiet day here, which suits me because I love keeping busy! I’m really excited to continue to watch the company grow.

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Written by Kara Clifford

Design perfectionist Kara adds creative flair to all our projects. Her skills lie in print, branding and moving image.

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