News and insights • Posted on 15 August 2019

The Bigger Boat wins enterprising project

It’s been one of our busiest years to date but the crew isn’t about to slow down anytime soon – there’s no time. We’ve been enlisted by the University of Huddersfield to kick-start a scheme for students that’ll help unlock their enterprise and employability potential.

The university’s Enterprise Team helps students and graduates launch their own businesses, find employment or go on to become a freelancer. It’s particularly focused on in-house workshops that help attendees build skills needed to get ahead in their career – and that’s where we come in.

We won the pitch for the work in April and we’ve since been helping the team produce appealing marketing materials with an objective to attract a much wider audience. We’ve been asked to design collateral for a series of advice-led, engaging sessions that help build key career-starting skills like branding and marketing.

Our creative director Doug Main and account manager Grace Lenihan are at the helm of this one and we’re excited to feel like we’re giving something back to the community and investing in local up-and-coming talent.

Philip Clegg from The Enterprise Team is head of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. He commented: “We’ve been able to get a fresh pair of eyes’ perspective from The Bigger Boat in terms of how we approach such a challenge, and successfully change direction, focus and style – which could make a huge difference to our target market.”

Speaking of our project win, Doug said: “This project will be a great way for us to form even stronger bonds with the local economy, and we always love working with those who share the same values as us – which The Enterprise Team does in spades. We are looking forward to seeing how these workshops help the university’s talent become successful, sustainable and sought-after entrepreneurs.”

This exciting job comes after 12 months of working with The Enterprise Team to provide mentoring and support to students looking to kick start their career or business.

Freshers’ Week is just around the corner – we’re hoping our collaborative work with The Enterprise Team grabs the attention of the area’s up-and-coming talent.

If you want to keep up to date with the crew, don't forget to sign up to our newsletter to benefit from digital marketing expertise, as well as exciting opportunities to improve your business' performance.

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Written by Andy McCaul

Co-founder and digital marketing guru Andy ensures all projects are shipshape, and that we generate the best return on investment for clients.

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The Bigger Boat
Suite 7, The Watermill
Wheatley Park
Mirfield, West Yorkshire
WF14 8HE

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