Visit Calderdale
Working in partnership with Calderdale Council and Visit England, Visit Calderdale is a fellow Yorkshire-based business on a mission to increase tourism and film-making in the local area. With the region constantly updating its events, attractions and activities for visitors, Visit Calderdale required a brand-new, mobile-optimised website to effectively communicate the brand and encourage more users to click through to partner and events websites.
The challenge
With more than 60% of Visit Calderdale’s traffic coming from mobile devices, creating an incredibly mobile-friendly website was crucial to ensuring the client’s objectives were surpassed.
In addition, the previous website’s content management system (CMS), Magento 1, was soon-to-be unsupported, requiring an efficient solution to enable the brand’s continued presence and success online.
Our solution
Our first step was choosing a new CMS before Magento 1 became unsupported. After discussions with the client, we decided WordPress was the best option, given its simple-to-use design and ability to manage an extensive list of blog articles. More importantly, we could also easily integrate the CMS with WooCommerce, which Visit Calderdale required to showcase the region’s ever-updating attractions and events.
We generally design mobile-first in order of smallest screens first. Prioritising design in this way allowed us to grasp any limitations of smaller viewports and ensure key elements of the website (predominantly for booking events and attractions) were perfectly displayed for any user on those screen sizes. It also gave us a chance to remove anything that wasn't particularly necessary for a seamless experience and navigation for a user.
Izzy Massey
Account manager, Visit Calderdale